My Swiss Journal – by Ben Hartley, age 13

This is a journal about Switzerland and our house swap in August 2015. We were going to get there by easyJet – when I found out I was excited; I collect planes and hoped it might be possible to buy a model in-flight.

Day 1 – Monday, 3rd August  when I woke up I was very excited ; I have been excited  ever since I found out we were going to Switzerland. We were flying from Luton to Zürich with easyJet. At Luton Airport we found some seats next to the window were I could watch the planes land and takeoff. This was Ben heaven.


The flight was late by 40 mins but we didn’t mind – more time to watch the planes.



In flight I bought a couple of Airbus models to add the collection.


Zürich airport was huge – it had three runways which is more than Heathrow. There were loads of Swiss Air planes on the stand. We collected our car – a brand new VW Polo in black; our bags just fitted in.

Our VW Polo

We drove about half an hour to the village of Ossingen to find our house which was next to the village church [map].

Our Swiss house


Entering the house I could see that it was fairly old. I walked into the lounge and I thought this is posh, I’m not used to this. The study and had quite a distinctive old smell. I went down into the cellar and I thought to my self it’s dark and smells like wine barrels. I saw the kitchen and thought the cupboard door was beautifully decorated.

Day 2 – Tuesday we went to a house and we had to wear slippers I found it slightly boring in the house. After we ate lunch and sitting next to the lake looking over at Germany [map]. We swam in the lake which was great fun.



Day 3 – Wednesday we went to a Swiss castle [map] and it was on the flight path of Zürich airport it was very cool and I got photos of them going over.

Schloss Kyburg

Day 4 – Thursday we went to the Rhine falls and I had a 30 min ‘rundfahrt’ on a boat – this word made me chuckle [map]. I thought it was really cool getting wet from the spray of the water. Although the water felt quite rough. Then we went for a river swim and the river tried to take me to Germany.

Rhein Fall

Day 5 – Friday today we had a relaxing day at home playing UNO, table tennis, walking into the village, getting hosed down by a hose pipe [video clip] and going in the church for a look. We also found some very cool fire hydrants with faces on them so we snapped away taking photos of them. We found the coolest cat flap ever. I have had a good day.


Cool cat flap


Day 6 – Saturday we went to a city called Schaffhausen had a wander round looking in shops and the market [map]. I was hoping to try a bit of Swiss cheese but instead we had a very nice pice of sausage  – it tasted sweet and a tiny bit of pepper. We then had lunch by Schaffhausen castle which is called the Munster. It was so lovely and cool in the castle it made me want to stay there.

Schaffhausen – the Munot fortress

Day 7 – Sunday we went to Stein am Rhine which is a very nice town [map]. We looked around town and we saw a brass band playing. We ate lunch next to the Rhine and then looked in some shops. The best bit was swimming up the Rhine with my dad.



While we have been in Switzerland we have found very old water troughs dotted around the tourist attractions we have been to, and in Ossingen. You can also fill up your water bottle on a boiling day because if we didn’t have any water we would be dead.


Day 8 – Monday we went to Zürich for the day and caught the train there [map]. I couldn’t wait to sit up top on the double-decker train – this was my very first time. We had a look in the police station because it had some really cool paintings from the 1920’s. We ate our lunch by the river. Afterwards we went on the river boat and a tram as well. I loved seeing the city from so many different types of transport. It was a very good and tiring day.



On the way back to the station I spotted this wall of water, which was really cool.


Day 9 – Tuesday we went to Stein am Rhine again because the town is so lovely. After lunch we swam in the river which was cool. Me and my sister Anna went in a boat and it sank, oops. So much laughter and fun we had – even Dad and Fran were laughing.


Swimming the Rhine

Day 10 – Wednesday we popped over the border into Germany and visited the town of Konstanz [map]. The Boden See [map] is huge – bigger than all of Bedfordshire. There is a harbour there the water smelt fresh with a gentle breeze. We watched boats come and go. When having lunch we saw a zeppelin in the air and I said to my dad “Wow, look at that!”

Swiss – German border


On the way home we called at Stein am Rhine. Me and my dad swam from the the bridge and let the current take us down river. So cool. We bought swiss chocolates and ate them at home, chilled from the fridge. They tasted so nice – I could have eaten a whole packet….

Where to start?

Day 11 – Thursday we went to Diesenhoffen which is a town right on the border with Germany [map]. An old timber bridge crosses the border. We decided to walk through it. I was amused by the fact that we it only took us 60 seconds to walk to Germany. We ate our delicious lunch watching the boats sailing along the Rhine. Finished, we went headed to the lovely town of Stein am Rhine and drove to Schloss Bergclingen which is an old fort. Dad and I drove down into town whilst Anna and Fran walked through the vinyard, and then swam in the river.


Swiss – German border crossing

I spotted an Emirates Airline Airbus A380 overhead.


Anna did a great job of swimming across the Rhine. We also played in the boat again – our favourite boat. In the evening we played a final game of the card game Uno – I was the holiday winner – and we sat in the conservatory until late watching a thunder storm. There was lots of lightning.

Day 12 – Friday, our last day. We woke and had breakfast. We all did some packing to get ready to fly home from Switzerland. We were going to go for a final walk before we left but it was raining so we went to drop the car off at Zurich airport [map]. We had 3 hours to spare so we went to the to the viewing deck. This was also what you would call ‘Ben heaven.’ We watch the trains as well.



On the flight home the easyJet took a shortcut over Belgium where we will holiday next summer. Before we knew it was touch down at Luton Airport [map]. Bus, train, taxi and we were home. This was a fab, fun holiday and we spent lots of lovely time together.


4 thoughts on “My Swiss Journal – by Ben Hartley, age 13

  1. Switzerland is a wonderful Country, lovely people, great culture, scenery and wonderful food and hospitality. We have many Swiss friends. Jill and Ian.

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