The inaugural Ampthill Trophy Cross Country Meeting (1974)

The ‘Ampthill Cross Country Trophy’ meeting was established in 1974 from an idea by Dave Goodwin and Harry Clifford of Bedford & County AC. Over the next 25 years the cross country race became an important fixture that attracted huge entries. Athletes traveled from far and wide to compete in historic Ampthill Great Parkmap.

The first meeting attracted 550 athletes who raced up to 5 miles according to age. Men had the dubious pleasure of tackling ‘Breakheart Hill’ which is an unforgiving rise.

Here is the race programme for the very first meeting and two newspaper reports.

Bottom left – European Silver Medalist Tony Simmons signing autographs after winning the Men’s race
Intermediate Ladies
Source: Bedfordshire Times

Tony Simmons (Luton AC) won the first of his seven Ampthill meeting titles in style. The race reports barely mention GB athlete Ian Thompson (3rd) who had just won marathon golds at the European and the Commonwealth Championships.

1974 prize winners:The Ampthill Trophy Cross Country Meeting ran for 25 years. 1998 was the final meeting. Many know the race as the ‘Beefeater Trophy’ because Beefeater Steak Houses was the main sponsor (1988-98).

Click – for the history for the Ampthill Trophy Cross Country meeting (1974-98), the race reports and prize winners by year.

In 2003 Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers re-established the ‘Ampthill Trophy’ – race website.

Based on the collection of papers kindly donated by John Milward (1929-2011) of Bedford & County AC.

Scratch Mile…

Earlier this year a distant cousin sent me an old, original print. The photograph shows my Great Grandfather ‘John Russell’ (centre) lining up at a cycle race (1907). Close scrutiny revealed that he was about to do the Scratch Mile. I know my Great Grandfather won a few trophies in his time – some are still in the family.

On the reverse there is some very faint pencil, barely legible. I took a high resolution photograph, reversed the image and used some clever software to help reveal the secret.


Stockton Cycling Club, 1907 – the race was at Stockton Victoria Field in Stockton-on-Tees. My great Grandfather (centre) raced for a win against Tom Child’s (left); it is difficult to make out the name of the cyclist on the right – maybe you can help?

The Gazette published this photograph.